A water softener is used to remove hardness and iron in the water using salt as part of the ion exchange process.


Filling Your Salt Tank

How full should I fill my salt tank? Since salt is an essential variable in soft water, our employees are often asked, “How much salt should I put in my salt tank when filling it?”

Salt Tank Bridge

The water in your home doesn’t feel soft.  The water softener sounds like it’s making soft water and the salt tank is full of salt, but the water doesn’t seem or feel right. After weeks the salt in your salt tank hasn’t moved any closer to the bottom.  The effects of hard water are present […]

Sediment Water Filters

We’re often asked, why do I need a sediment pre-filter?  A sediment pre-filter works like a furnace or fuel filter.  They catch sand, sediment, silt, or junk the water source might bring into your home.  If the sediment is not filtered, it can create unnecessary service calls or travel into your home’s plumbing, causing blockages.

An Essential Appliance…A Water Softener

Often, a water softener is overlooked as an essential appliance in the home.  Think not.  A water softener should rank high.  Why?  A water softener removes hardness and iron in the water, allowing other appliances to last longer.  This benefit alone should make a homeowner want to have a water softener in their home.

Water Softeners ‘Very Best’ Energy Savers

The Water Quality Research Foundation commissioned The Battelle Institute Group to research the effects of soft water versus hard water on major home appliances.  The findings resulted that a water softener can save the home significant amounts of money and energy.  A water softener will keep the home’s appliances working correctly