The COVID-19 pandemic has caused heartache to many families across the globe.  Water is used every day for household use and cleaning.  It’s used more than ever for washing hands and cleaning to help prevent the spread of the virus. But, our company is often asked, “Can water carry the coronavirus into my home?”

The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that coronavirus has not been identified in drinking water supplies.  Their current evidence has documented the risk of COVID-19 in water supplies is low.  Homes using municipally supplied water have assurance knowing their water is treated.  The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires municipalities to treat water using disinfectants, such as chlorine or chloramines.  The EPA states, on their website, that consumers can use and drink water from their tap water as usual.

With private well water, homeowners need to understand their water is safe.  The risk of coronavirus being spread in a private well is low.  It could happen with a flood, and floodwater rose above the well cap and entered the well system.  Again, unlikely to happen.  If this happens, homeowners want to have their water tested by an independent lab.  If a homeowner is concerned, there are effective measures to remove viruses like chlorination or point-of-use drinking water systems like reverse osmosis.  If you are interested in learning more about steps to protect your water, contact us or call 815-385-3093.