Entries by Tim Hiller

Etching on Glassware

Have you ever noticed your glassware looks like it has scratches all over?  It’s part of a process called etching.  Etching is caused by pre-rinsing glasses too often, using extremely hot water in the dishwasher, or using too much detergent with soft water.  Etching erodes the surface of the glassware, causing tiny little pits or […]

What is this Pink Slime?

Have you ever seen a pink substance in your bathroom toilet, shower, or tile? Don’t be alarmed; you’re not alone, as many homeowners experience this. Many homeowners think the pink slime is iron in the water. Instead, it’s an airborne bacteria, Serratia marcescens, not harmful to humans or pets.  This bacteria grows in wet areas, […]

Hard Water in Your Home

Hard Water in Your Home Hard water in the home is hard on you and your appliances.  Hard water leaves your skin dry and your hair brittle, but it also leaves a film on the shower door and rings in the toilet and bathtub.  Hard water creates more work for you as a homeowner and […]

What is a Bypass?

It’s the middle of the night, and you hear water running in the basement.  You walk downstairs and find water on the floor.  It’s coming from the water treatment equipment.   Aaaah!  Now what?  Who do you call?  What do you do?  The simple solution- bypass the water treatment equipment.

Salt Tank Bridge

The water in your home doesn’t feel soft.  The water softener sounds like it’s making soft water and the salt tank is full of salt, but the water doesn’t seem or feel right. After weeks the salt in your salt tank hasn’t moved any closer to the bottom.  The effects of hard water are present […]

Water Conservation Tips

Water, we take it for granted. It seems to be an abundant resource, yet we waste it, pollute it and let it run down the drain. Every home takes for granted that when a faucet is turned on, that faucet will supply an unlimited amount of water. Yet, less than three percent of accessible freshwater […]

Types of Drinking Water Systems

Did you know the average American will consume only one percent of the water that enters the home each day?  It sure doesn’t seem like a lot of water, but it’s one gallon. As a result, high-quality drinking water has become an integral part of everyday life.  Many homes already use a filtration system, including carafe filters, […]