A bypass is used to shut off any water going in and out of the water softener. It is necessary for every water softener.


Low Water Pressure

Have you ever turned on the faucet in your bathroom or kitchen only to find water trickles out? It’s irritating for you and inefficient for your home. Low water pressure makes your appliances work harder and takes longer to fill the bathtub, wash machine, or dishwasher. If you are on a private well, it can […]

Signs a Water Softener Needs Service

When you’re used to living with clean, soft water, life is better.  However, there are moments when you’re unsure you’re getting soft water, or your water softener is working correctly.  You feel you can hear the water softener regenerate every so often, but you’re not getting or feeling soft water.  Considering it’s an appliance, there […]

What is a Bypass?

It’s the middle of the night, and you hear water running in the basement.  You walk downstairs and find water on the floor.  It’s coming from the water treatment equipment.   Aaaah!  Now what?  Who do you call?  What do you do?  The simple solution- bypass the water treatment equipment.