When you’re used to living with clean, soft water, life is better.  However, there are moments when you’re unsure you’re getting soft water, or your water softener is working correctly.  You feel you can hear the water softener regenerate every so often, but you’re not getting or feeling soft water.  Considering it’s an appliance, there is always a chance a water softener will malfunction.  We’ll help you understand signs you may need service on your equipment.

  1. Bathing is not the same – This is a significant indicator of whether your water is hard or soft.  If the water feels like the soap won’t come off when bathing, it’s soft water.  If you notice itchy skin or hair feeling like straw, your unit needs a service call.
  2. The salt level is not going down – You feel you haven’t added salt in some time, but you’re still unsure.  Start by making a line with a pencil or pen at the current salt level.  Check back in a week to see if the salt has moved further below the line.  Manually regenerating your water softener will speed up the process.  If it has, chances are your water softener is working correctly.  If the salt has not moved, a service call is necessary.
  3. Iron stains re-appearIron staining could mean your water softener is not working correctly.  Check for staining in your water fixtures or clothes.  It’s essential to check for iron stains in your toilet bowl.  There are two areas to inspect – where the water sits in the bowl and iron-stained streaks running down the side?  If there are streaks on the side of the toilet bowl, then the issue is inside the toilet tank.  If you’re experiencing iron stains where the water sits in the toilet bowl, it could be a sign you need service.
  4. Signs of hard water – If you notice white spotting on your glasses or dishes or even a white chalky substance, hardness is likely building.  Even if you’re spending more time cleaning, then you have hard water.
  5. The water softener continually runs – A water softener can become stuck in a regeneration cycle.  It’s likely stuck in a cycle if you hear the water softener running more than usual or non-stop.  The unit needs to be bypassed, and service is required.

If you’re ever unsure if your water softener or equipment is working correctly, we will gladly test your water at our office.  When dropping off water samples, we ask you to bring hot and cold samples from a bathroom.  Don’t hesitate to contact our company at (815) 385-3093 or request service.